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Guidelines and Copyright

  1.  Contributions should be sent in the first instance to the Editor, Solene Heinzl:

  2. Topics include music and people in the 21st century, e.g. music and feminism; the relationship between music makers and music audiences, the impact of the economy on music making, subcultures and their music, and so on.

  3. Topics not relevant are: music theory, the study of sound, and submissions with no mention of people (i.e. no mention of listeners, makers, sellers).

  4. Manuscripts should be between 500-10,000 words in length.

  5. A short biographical note on the contributor and picture if desired should follow the text.

  6. To be featured on the ‘list of contributors’ the biography needs to include the following: profile picture, institution and location details, research interest and links to contact details/online presence.

  7. Videos/podcasts should include a transcript of 500 to 10,000 words.

  8. Endnotes should be numbered in sequence and referred to by superscriptions in the text. In a contribution with no endnotes, sources should be cited within the text in the form described by Schenker, 1979 p.23, and an alphabetical bibliography of all references should follow the text. Where a quotation in the original language (i.e. other than English) is considered essential, a translation with a record of its source should also be given.

  9. Copyright is the property of the contributor but the fact that the article is being sent to means it may be published on the website.

  10. The website will publish the articles under the license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

  11. Articles must only be submitted by undergraduates.

  12. Submissions must be sent no more than a year after graduation of the contributor.

  13. Submission are subject to  peer-review.

  14. The reviewers will be PhD students and staff from the University of Westminster Commercial Music centre, and similar institutions.

  15. Submissions may be rejected or sent back to the contributor for modifications suggested by peer-review before publication.

  16. Publication of the submission is not guaranteed. Feedbacks and peer-reviews of the submissions are in regards to the website and must not be considered as a substitution for any other kind of feedback (e.g. particular course lecturer/examiner feedback).

  17. It is the responsibility of the submission applicant to ensure the submission of his work does not breach his academic institution regulation.


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